Total size of BF3 in - Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 3 Just working out which SSD drive to get and wondering what the total size of BF3 is on ...
Total size of BF3 in - Forum - Battlelog / Battlefield 3 Just working out which SSD drive to get and wondering what the total size of BF3 is on ...
Battlefield 3 size - Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 3 What is tha total downlaod size of battlefield 3 premium edition(WIth all expansion) ?
Battlefield 3 download size question. Does this make sense ... For PC on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Battlefield 3 download ...
Battlefield 3 is 31gb - PC gaming - Video Games - Tom's Hardware Um Hi my BF3 size is 15GB i think u have installed twice.... m. 0. l. ilyas429. November ...
How big is Battlefield 3 right now? - Video Games - Video Games Well I did some digging, I found that Battlefield 3 1.0 (that is without a patch EVER ) is only 10 Gbs. ... Currently my game size is about 32 gigabytes. Minus the 17.2 gigs ...
'Battlefield 3′ Install Sizes Revealed - GameRant 2013年7月17日 - In fact, if fully installed, the Xbox 360 version of Battlefield 3 weighs in with a size so ...
Battlefield 3 - Game Debate Dec-05-2011 On 6th Dec At 8AM GMT BF3 will get a major patch. It will be around 2GB in size, so make ...
BF3 size - Steam Users' Forums Bad company 2 is a little over 8.2 gigs if that is any comparison on BF3 size.
BF3 Premium total GB size/updates size? - I've heard that BF3 has enormous sized updates and dlc that it requires for you to fully ...